The Documents section/tab should enable investors to manage any documents related to their properties effectively.
The UI should adhere to the visual patterns used in the documents tabs across other sections of our products but should not impose any predefined folder structure.
Version 1 Features:
* File Management: Users can upload and organize their documents without any predefined structure.
* Folder Operations: Users can create, delete, rename folders, and move files between them. Or
* Tagging System: If a no-folder, tags-only design is chosen, it should fully support document tagging.
We do not need both tags and folders in the early version.
Exclusions in Version 1:
* Document type, status, and search functionalities are not required initially.
* Search functionality will be crucial once we can implement full-text search. Searching documents by names only is not useful.
* Documents from other phases (acquisition, property management) will not be included. These will be incorporated after the new, universal Asset model is implemented.